Xbox Game Pass Weekly and Monthly Quests

James Paterson
2 min readSep 1, 2020

September is here, and with it, new monthly quests

These are your weekly and monthly Xbox Game Pass Quests for September. This article will be updated every Tuesday with the new weeklies.


Set 1 (expires September 8th)


[Summer Mode] Go big or never go home
To complete, simply start up the game. It’ll likely unlock before you even load into the main menu.
Reward: 50 points


Defeat 18 minions
Start the game, and progress normally into the first world. There should be a few enemies in the beginning area, and you can get the remaining 14 in world one.
Reward: 50 points


Expires October 5th

Neon Abyss

Earn 3 achievements
Simply play through the game and unlock three achievements. If you haven’t played before, they come pretty quick. If you have, check out TrueAchievements to find the best ones to go for.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited

Play for 1 hour
Boot up the game, create (or log into) a character, and play for an hour. The quest should pop up, regardless of what you’ve been doing.


Earn 2 achievements
Simply play through the game and unlock three achievements. If you haven’t played before, they come pretty quick. If you have, check out TrueAchievements to find the best ones to go for.


Earn 2 achievements
Simply play through the game and unlock three achievements. If you haven’t played before, they come pretty quick. If you have, check out TrueAchievements to find the best ones to go for.

If you want to stay on top of the Game Pass Quests, as well as more gaming information, kindly pop into my Coffee Chat at, or visit me at!



James Paterson

Tech, games, coffee, horror, writing | Owner of Coffee Chat Gaming ( | Discord at | Twitter: SlimJimCA